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MemexZed Notes

Think of the Memes!
Just think of all the Internet memes this would create!
Ayn Rand’s Character Hank Rearden Brought to Life
Ayn Rand may have been the smartest person of the 20th Century. Next to Leo, of course.
Hey, you! Guy on the boat.
The Navy has taken away sailor’s job titles. Now no one knows what to call each other.
DIY: How to Insult a Progressive
Don’t leave insulting progressives to Donald Trump. You can do it to. It’s fun and simple. All you need is to be in touch with reality, think rationally and avoid political correctness (i.e., lies). Pat Condell provides a a quick guide to the essentials of how to insult a progressive.

ISIS Makes World of Mad Max Look Like a Resort
Reading the descriptions of life under ISIS, it almost seems like you are reading the script for a film about a dystopian future. The vile, disgusting, evil behavior of ISIS is hard to believe.
There is a certain element which looks at ISIS and says, “See what religion does to society.” I disagree. Years ago, while in one of his Earthling personas, Leo of Mars published a review of Mad Max by his college roommate. The review, no longer extant, suggested that the world of Mad Max was a portrait of “man without God.”

Doing Trigger Warnings The Right Way
Trigger Warnings keep us safe from frightening words and images. But, you have to do them correctly. Here’s your opportunity to learn from a very, very wise and concerned and sensitive professor of English Literature how to include trigger warnings in your social interactions.

Earthling DIY: Dealing with the Brainwashed
Here is a link to an article by Jim Good, of Taki’s Magazine, which provides practical methods, based on years of experience, in effectively communicating with the reason impaired. <-- SARCASM WARNING.
Supreme Court Justice Sotomayor Rules in Favor of Catholics and Against ObamaCare Mandate – Kevin Mooney | Kevin Mooney
Catholic challenges to ObamaCare are working their way up to the high court. Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor, an Obama appointee, issued a new order on Tuesday that will allow Catholic groups to opt out of the contraception mandate. The Little Sisters of the Poor Home for the Aged, struck a …
Joe vs. Korea
Seventy-two killed resisting gun confiscation in Boston! | Fauquier Free Citizen
Boston – National Guard units seeking to confiscate a cache of recently banned assault weapons were ambushed by elements of a Para-military extremist faction. Military and law enforcement sources estimate that 72 were killed and more than 200 injured before government forces were compelled to withdraw. via Seventy-two killed resisting …

Education standards: Best and brightest
No more Polish jokes, Earthlings! Check out The Smartest Kids in the World: And How They Got That Way by Amanda Ripley.

Racist Republicans
Know your history, Earthlings! On January 10, 1967, Massachusetts Republican Edward Brooke took office as the first African-American ever to be popularly elected to the U.S. Senate. Brooke, a Howard University graduate who earned a Bronze Star in World War II fighting in a segregated unit, would serve two terms …
WWII veterans storm closed WWII memorial
WWII veterans storm closed WWII memorial. Hitler and the Imperial Japanese navy couldn’t stop them. Obama doesn’t stand a chance.
Chicks on the Right find Golden Example of Liberal Tolerance
Liberal Definition of Tolerance: Liking people who are exactly like me. MemexZed Look At This Picture IMMEDIATELY Before I Tell You How Much People Suck – Chicks on the Right – Chicks on the Right.
Politics: NSA Director built himself a really nice replica of the Starship Enterprise bridge | Best of Cain
Politics: NSA Director built himself a really nice replica of the Starship Enterprise bridge | Best of Cain. Earthlings really like space exploration and if you’re a government employee, it appears you don’t care how much taxpayer money you spend on being a Star Trek fan.
“Egyptian media says Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood member” – Atlas Shrugs
“Egyptian media says Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood member” – Atlas Shrugs. Maybe they have his birth certificate, too.
Kucinich: U.S Will Become ‘Al-Qaeda’s Air Force’ « Pat Dollard
Airstrikes on Syria would turn the U.S. military into “al Qaeda’s air force,” former Rep. Dennis Kucinich D-Ohio told The Hill.The outspoken anti-war activist said any such action would plunge the United States into another war in the Middle East and embolden Islamist militants fighting Bashar Assad’s regime.“So what, we’re …